Sunday, November 11, 2012

LAD # 11: Seneca Falls Declaration

 In 1848 during the Seneca Falls Convention for women's rights they wrote the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions. They begin with stating the beginning of the Constitution but instead of just " we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal" they included the word women as wells as men. They continue to say that there has been a patient sufferance of women under the government and they are entitled to equal rights. It continues on to say that during the history of mankind woman have not been treated equally. They state the ways men have done this, like he has not permitted her exercise the right to elective franchises. Also, he has made her follow the laws which she had no voice in making and the man has withheld rights which she has a citizen. He has taken her property rights and the wage she earns and makes her morally irresponsible because she commit crimes as long as he watches her. He has taxed the single woman's properties,and monopolized all profitable employments but has denied her facilities to educate herself. These among other things has disfranchisement a half of the people in the country but there is a way to fix it and to give women their rights. By resolving all laws which prevent woman from being equally to that of a man are contrary from what should be. Woman is man's equal and was intended to be so and should be recognized as such. The refinement of behavior that is required of woman in the social sate should also be required of man. They should be educated and have a say in government. There also needs to be equal participation in trades and professions. It ends saying that women's rights should not be withheld and this would end a self-evident falsehood and a war with mankind.

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