Monday, October 29, 2012

LAD# 10: Monroe Doctrine


The Monroe Doctrine starts out with a statement about a proposal of the Russian Imperial Government. There was a proposal between England and the United States in order to keep the rights and interests of the nations okay. It states that the United States has been friends with the Emperor and tried to understand his government. But they also have to protect the rights and interests of the United States and their continents in which they state there may not be any further colonization of any European powers. It goes on to say in the last session they tried to make Spain and Portugal improve their conditions but it was more difficult than anticipated. The citizens of American appreciated their liberty and it does not interfere with foreign policy to do so. With the difference between governments it is difficult to maintain that freedom. There has been too much war for independence and those nations who are independent  need to remain so without European interference. When there is war between the governments the United States should declare neutrality and make no judgements. It goes on to say that the late event of Spain and Portugal show that Europe is not stronger and the new policy is to regard Europe as a friendly foreign relations. It finishes by saying that the allied powers will not always get along but it is in the best hopes that the United States will leave parties alone and hope the rest of the world does the same.

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