Wednesday, November 14, 2012

LAD #13: Calhoun's speech

He begins with saying that he has people who got agitated by the subject of slavery and that it would end in disunion. It would cause the Union to be in danger of dissembling. He asks the question what has endangered the Union and the answer has to do with the discontent that the Southern States have. This discontent is not new however certain actions and politicians have increased this discontent. He also says that the party ties contribute to these dividing lines. He also states that the government does not  help with the divisions but rather hurts them and creates a deeper division between many different statuses. This results in the North dominating which is not a good factor. He discusses everything but the territory that becomes Texas. He continues to say that the North has developed all the power and it has only increased in the past 50 years. The senators do not help at all and they need fix this disunited nation. Finally he concludes saying he has expressed his feelings and now all he can do is hope.

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