Saturday, November 17, 2012

LAD #16 : 5th of July Speech- Fredrick Douglass

Douglass begins by asking why he was asked to be there and talk about what he was going to talk about because even though on the 4th of July the Declaration of Independence was announced that did not mean that the slaves were grant their freedom too. He goes on to say that if they were free then those questions would be answered, but they are not and that is why he is standing there speaking. The joy of the day is not really shared because the day belongs to the White Man not the slave and that makes him sad. Instead they are carried away as captives and mournful wails instead of crys of joy. He sees the day from a slaves point of view and that slavery is a great shame in America and he uses the most severe language to describe it. But they do still contribute to society in many ways just as equally as the white man and live with a family, still in God's eye and still need to show that they can be men. He continues to say that it is wrong for men to abuse other men. Finally he answered what the 4th of July means to slaves saying that it reveals the gross injustice more than the celebration or any other day. He concludes by saying that it is not a nation of savages but rather a nation that practices things which are shocking. So where ever anyone may go put the facts first and stand up for what you believe in.

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