Tuesday, November 27, 2012

LAD#20: Emancipation Proclamation

He begins with saying that slaves in the states that rebelled are freed. This action can occur 100 days after this proclamation. He then names all of the states in which this proclamation does not affect, which is anyone who is a part of the Union. He orders that all persons who own slaves in the declared states free them so they can earn their own wages and live their own life. They can also be join any federal organization like the army and that he will invoke the military if needed in order to make this proclamation occur.

LAD#19: Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address

He begins with saying that while this second election is still an honor it is not as big of an occasion as the first. He then says that he feels as though the public knows him by now and he hopes good things will come to the country in the future but nothing is guaranteed. Four years ago the country was afraid of going to war. Though everyone was afraid of war it came anyway. The power of God was with them in this deep time of distress and even though there was a lot of blood lost it would only be the judgements of God the mattered. He ends with that he does not hate anyone and he will do his best to achieve what is best for the nation during his second term.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

LAD #18: Dred Scott Decision

The Supreme Court begins by saying that the court originally favored a moderate decision which ruled in favor of Sanford but realized that it did not discuss the larger black citizenship laws. When Nelson presented his opinion his majority was actually just his belief so this was disregarded and there were two antislavery justices there. By February the Americans were well-informed and the conclusion was close. But there was a difference of opinion. Two days later after Buchanan's inauguration the justices came into the court room with the head being Justice Taney. They said that only that of slaves but also free blacks were sold as slaves and could not become entitled to all the rights and privileges because they weren't citizens. In Taney's opinion was that even free blacks were not citizens and should not be treated as such. The Constitution made no distinction between slaves and other types of property so Taney reasoned that the Missouri Compromise was not correct. It deprived slave holding citizens of their property in slaves and that it was unconstitutional. Finally he said that the slaves who have run away needed to be returned to their owner just like any other piece of property thus ruling in favor of Sanford. 

LAD #17: Sojourner Truth's Ain't I a Woman Speech

 She begins to say that there is so much racket about the freedom of blacks in the south and the women in the North but the men will soon have a problem on their hands so why are they just talking. She continues on to say that men say women need to be properly helped but no one ever helped her and she has worked just as hard as the men. She could eat and work as much as men and birth children but shouldn't she be treated like a woman because isn't she a woman? What is she going to do with women's rights or black rights? she needs it, because the white male holds so much more, shouldn't she have some rights? The men say that women can't have rights but she brings up the point that Christ wouldn't have been born without a woman's help. Finally she says that the first woman God made was strong but now they were saying that men would be better doing it.

LAD #16 : 5th of July Speech- Fredrick Douglass

Douglass begins by asking why he was asked to be there and talk about what he was going to talk about because even though on the 4th of July the Declaration of Independence was announced that did not mean that the slaves were grant their freedom too. He goes on to say that if they were free then those questions would be answered, but they are not and that is why he is standing there speaking. The joy of the day is not really shared because the day belongs to the White Man not the slave and that makes him sad. Instead they are carried away as captives and mournful wails instead of crys of joy. He sees the day from a slaves point of view and that slavery is a great shame in America and he uses the most severe language to describe it. But they do still contribute to society in many ways just as equally as the white man and live with a family, still in God's eye and still need to show that they can be men. He continues to say that it is wrong for men to abuse other men. Finally he answered what the 4th of July means to slaves saying that it reveals the gross injustice more than the celebration or any other day. He concludes by saying that it is not a nation of savages but rather a nation that practices things which are shocking. So where ever anyone may go put the facts first and stand up for what you believe in.

LAD #15: Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

He begins by saying that the founding father's brought the country together and created a new nation where all men should be equal. But now they were in a civil war which was not what any nation wants to go through. We could not hallow the ground they stand upon. There were brave men that struggled and fought for what they believed in. So the living should be dedicated here to the unfinished work of those who have fought and they should honor the dead. The only way to do this was to gather together and raise as a nation, as one united nation. He finishes by saying that the dead shall not die for nothing and the country should be related under God for a new birth and that not one more person should perish from the earth because of this argument. 

LAD: #14: Lincoln's First Innagural Address

 He begins his address by stating that he is somewhat apprehensive because he is coming in at a tension filled time in history. He says he has no reason to interfere with the institution of slavery and he does not want to. Those who elected him know and share his feelings on this topic. He goes on to say that it is essential to balance power and protect the rights held up by the Constitution. He does endorse the retrieval of slaves if they runaway to their rightful owner. He takes the oath with no mental reservations and no reason to change the Constitutions to help him in any way nor to be hypocritical. He takes a step back saying that it has been 72 years ago that Washington was sworn in  and he holds that the Constitution of of Union is implied, expressed and he will continue to execute it. If the destruction of the Union it will end in ruins because no one state alone can run itself but rather they need to be united. Therefore it is his responsibility to keep it together and to do it there needs to be no violence but the hostility may make it a bad place to live. Before that happens he is going to try and keep the Union together and from the questions of the citizens we will divide between the minority and the majorities. But he does say that he does not forget that he entered based on a political party and he needed to take everything into consideration. He goes on to say that the nation cannot physically separate but they can become alien nations that will not work. But the government belongs to the people and they should be able to change it. Finally he says that the frame of the government under which all of us live should unite us, not divide us. He did not want to end but he ends with saying we need to be friends and not enemies. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

LAD #13: Calhoun's speech

He begins with saying that he has people who got agitated by the subject of slavery and that it would end in disunion. It would cause the Union to be in danger of dissembling. He asks the question what has endangered the Union and the answer has to do with the discontent that the Southern States have. This discontent is not new however certain actions and politicians have increased this discontent. He also says that the party ties contribute to these dividing lines. He also states that the government does not  help with the divisions but rather hurts them and creates a deeper division between many different statuses. This results in the North dominating which is not a good factor. He discusses everything but the territory that becomes Texas. He continues to say that the North has developed all the power and it has only increased in the past 50 years. The senators do not help at all and they need fix this disunited nation. Finally he concludes saying he has expressed his feelings and now all he can do is hope.

LAD# 12: Polk's War Message 1846

The message started out with the fact that there was differences between Mexico and the United States which needed to be mended and if Mexico would be willing to alter their boundaries and other things the relationship between the two countries. He goes on to say that they approached Mexico in a friendly fashion to discuss the boundary of Mexico and Texas and this continued on to a conversation of rights of the citizens and the people. The people of Mexico refused to offer of a peaceful adjustment. The United States government addressed the Mexican minister of foreign relations and asked that the government be diplomatic.Finally the force was focused on Corpus Christi and stayed there for a while. Texas final action of our Congress had become a part of the Union. It concludes with the fact that though war exists the United States tried their best to avoid all confrontation with Mexico.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

LAD # 11: Seneca Falls Declaration

 In 1848 during the Seneca Falls Convention for women's rights they wrote the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions. They begin with stating the beginning of the Constitution but instead of just " we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal" they included the word women as wells as men. They continue to say that there has been a patient sufferance of women under the government and they are entitled to equal rights. It continues on to say that during the history of mankind woman have not been treated equally. They state the ways men have done this, like he has not permitted her exercise the right to elective franchises. Also, he has made her follow the laws which she had no voice in making and the man has withheld rights which she has a citizen. He has taken her property rights and the wage she earns and makes her morally irresponsible because she commit crimes as long as he watches her. He has taxed the single woman's properties,and monopolized all profitable employments but has denied her facilities to educate herself. These among other things has disfranchisement a half of the people in the country but there is a way to fix it and to give women their rights. By resolving all laws which prevent woman from being equally to that of a man are contrary from what should be. Woman is man's equal and was intended to be so and should be recognized as such. The refinement of behavior that is required of woman in the social sate should also be required of man. They should be educated and have a say in government. There also needs to be equal participation in trades and professions. It ends saying that women's rights should not be withheld and this would end a self-evident falsehood and a war with mankind.