Tuesday, September 25, 2012

LAD # 7: Washington's Farewell Address


Washington issued many warnings and words of wisdom on how to keep America how the founding fathers wanted it during his farewell address when he left office. First of all he talks about how the federal government was put in place for a reason and it should be kept in power. He discusses how the government, which the people are responsible for, needs to be a solid foundation because that will help all the other aspects of national and international life. Then he goes on to a warning about government. He warns that political parties should not form; if they did form then it would divide the nation and put brothers and against each other. This is exactly what happened once political parties were created. The opposition of brothers in one nation could tear the nation apart. Then Washington stresses the importance of religion and morality. He says without these two things there is no security or reputation for living. He goes on to talk about how to cherish public credit and warned against permanent foreign alliances. He encouraged neutrality because Washington was afraid of what a permanent alliance would mean for the country in the long run. Finally Washington advises to avoid needing a large army. This is because it may form a hostile environment. Overall the warnings and advertisements were either heard and seized or went unheard and the nation suffered the consequences.

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