Monday, September 24, 2012

LAD #5: Federalist #10

1. Why are factions so difficult to eliminate?

Factions are very difficult to eliminate because according to the Federalist Papers #10 if you get rid of factions then you have the chance of eliminating liberty. America was founded on the belief of liberty, without it America would be extremely different. Liberty is essential to political life. So even though sometimes factions are destructive to society without them we would losing something with much greater purpose.

2. If factions cannot be removed then how can they be controlled?

Everyone has the right to think individually and seemingly factions can be controlled as long as his opinions and the rest of his life balance each other out. The government needs to control by dividing different subjects into different spheres of government. One man cannot regulate himself either because it would obviously be a biased answer. So in order to prevent this the government had set up legislation bodies to make sure that if we keep factions, everything is fair and there is as little bias as possible.

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