Monday, September 17, 2012

LAD #3 : Declaration of Independence

1. Democratic Principles
  In the introduction, the colonists and writers of the Declaration of Independence spoke about how they needed to stray from the mother country. They say that they have the right to form a  new nation just as much as any other nation or colony. The primary reason they are deciding to stray is because of the way the king was treating the colonies. Not only was he instilling laws and taxes without consulting or have representation from the colonies but he ignored the attempts at a treaty. They state how the government was formed to protect the people, not take away certain rights which all people have. But the British government had failed to look after what the colony wanted and so together, the colonies formed a list of grievances towards Britain as an explanation as to why they wanted their independence.

2. Grievances
 There were many reasons that the colonies wanted to separate from Britain. Most all of these had to do with the way the British were treating the colonies and in what ways they were being taken advantage of. Many of the grievances spoke about how the king was controlling most parts of government in the colonies though he was across the ocean and unaware of the the colonists wanted in government. He also would not let them pass laws on their own and sent in the British army to occupy the colonies when there was no war. The colonists eventually saw this as against their rights and began to think that they had the right to rule themselves for they were far more in tune with what the people wanted and what they needed.

3. Conclusion
The colonists expressed their attempts of negotiations. They stated that whenever they tried to negotiate they were wronged by the king more than they had previously been. So they finally declared themselves politically free from any ties with England. They were fully aware of the consequences and the idea of England and an enemy at least for that time period. But they also hoped that God saw that they were doing what was right in their minds. With the political freedom they had the rights to do whatever other political monarchies could do including declaring war, initiating peace, make alliances and trade with foreign nations.

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