Sunday, January 6, 2013

LAD # 23: Populists Party Platform

The platform begins with the preamble which states the party was started because of the conditions of the nation at that time. Specifically they were referring to the difference in class between " tramps and millionaires". It then goes on to discuss how silver has been the accepting coin even though it is in reality a conspiracy and will destroy civilization. Concluding it states that because of these things parties have not really had a stable platform while the Populist Party seeks support from the common man. The country is faced with horrible conditions and the party pledges that it will give the power a the people a better standing and expand it and that they will never stop. In the platform itself it begins with the thought that labor forces will remain, and wealth belongs to the person who worked for it. It continues to that the government should own the railroads and as far as finance is concerned it needs to be free coinage of silver to gold at legal ratio. To continue it states the circulation should increase and there should be income tax. Finally the money of the country should be kept in the people's hands and the savings banks should be established. Then they state that transportation should be a means of exchange and keep its interest in the people and the telephone and telegraph which is owned by the government should be operated in the interest of the people. As far as land is concerned all natural sources of well should not be monopolized and the government should collect alien land to give to actual settlers. Finally it continues into the Sentiments in which it states that they demand free ballot, fair count without intervention. Also, income tax should be used to reduce other taxes. They pledge support to ex-Union soldiers and sailors. Do not approve of protection American labor under present system. They sympathize with work men and regard maintenance of a large army. Finally they commend favorable consideration of people and saving the Constitution while opposing any subsidy or national aid to one corporation.

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