Saturday, January 5, 2013

LAD #22: McKinley's War Message

It begins by talking about the Cuban revolts and how the people of Cuba did not want Spanish rulers  anymore. It then on to say how Spain sent a message to Washington warning them about an American ultimatum. Then McKinley asked Congress to take steps to bring an end to Cuban conflict. He made the decision to enter a war on the side of the Cubans. He started to say that the Constitution commands the President to exercise what should be responsible for wars like his for Cuba. The revolution is similar to others but United States did everything they could to help the Cubans to no avail. The war in Cuba ultimately depends on the United States to help. He refers to his December speech stating that we should recognize the independence of Cuba. In order to continue to do this then it was essential that they help influence the affected area. Now he understands the neutrality proclamation but there are very few alternative forms of interventions. The forcible entrance of United States will eventually end the war in a settlement. He states in order to do this then there will need to be an end of bloodshed, the United States owes citizens in Cuba and they need legal protection. Also the right to intervene may justify the injury in trade it would cause and finally the issues with Cuba threaten the United States which needs to end. This elements cause the destruction of a Nobel vessel. The naval court of inquiry needs to place the responsibility and it needs to be fixed along with the American Navy. This trail has proved that Spain has waged war that United States will fix by being on the Cuban side. Because of this he asked Congress to authorize the declaration of war in the interest of humanity. He had thought about it and now its all up to Congress. 

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