Friday, April 12, 2013

LAD #37: Brown v. Board of Education

Even though the schools are suppose to separate but equal but in Topeka Kansas Linda Brown wanted to go to the white school because then she did not have to walk as far. She was backed by NAACP when her father went against the state when Brown was told she could not attend the white school because of her skin color. The NAACP argued that by separating schools it made black children think that they were inferior to whites and then the schools were not equal. The Board argued that the rest of life was segregated which would create mixed messages if the schools were integrated. Plessy v. Ferguson had said that things can stay separate but equal but the Supreme Court in the case of Brown v. Board of Educations rejected the prior case saying that separate was not equal and things need to be integrated. This did not abolish segregation in other areas of life.

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