Saturday, February 2, 2013

LAD #28: Wilson's Inaugural Address

There has been a change in the White House and now it is in the hands of the Democrats. It means more than the success of the Democratic Party but also because the Nation was looking for change. He goes on to say that there is no doubt that the country is in a good place and that life is good. But with all good comes evil and there has been waste in the country. It is his job to lead in the change that will continue with the good and get rid of the evil. He reminds the audience that he has not forgotten morals, and he was to set up a policy that would help move the country along. We have not studied cost or economy as we should as organizers or individuals. The government is not yet perfect but he will work hard to make it as close to perfect as possible. We are to restore, not destroy and it is not a science, and the feelings the Nation is dealing with will be used for the better. It is not a day to triumph and day of dedication.

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