Wednesday, February 13, 2013

LAD #31: 14 Points

We are the Central Empires spokesman and they wanted to discuss the objects of the war and wanting peace. Also, now that the war was over these compromises would ensure the most secure way to let the world live. It is reasonable to say that it will revolve around Germany and Austria. The entire war really should have never been fought but no one knows who's side they are on, especially the Russians. The Russian Representatives had been holding their own conferences which were kept private. Lloyd George had spoken with the people and government of Great Britain this week. Life and death hang upon the definition of who was on who's side. It called for multiple things such as free trade without restrictions, no private allies which would ensure this war would never happen again. Because it was never signed and the it was not enacted the second world war occured. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

LAD #30: Schenck vs. United States

During the Great War Schenck sent out letters to draftees trying to get them to believe that the draft was an ugly and cruel thing. Many argued this was against the Espionage Act because it was trying to create subordination in the military and obligation to recruitment. Others argued still that it was not against the law because if it was it would be against the free speech clause of the First Amendment. The ruling was unanimous towards the United States saying it depended on the circumstance. Holmes states that the letters presented clear danger because the mailing of these letters meant a possible uprising of military.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

LAD #29: Keating-Owen Child Labor Act

This act worked to limit the amount of hours a child could work and stated that sale of good produced by children could not be sold in interstate sales. By 1900 the census showed that two million children were working in various horrible conditioned jobs. the National Child Labor Committee called attention to the issue in 1908 but hiring Lewis Hines to photograph some of these children. Marx and Dickens also worked to call attention to the poor conditions and treatment of children through their writings. The Keating-Owen bill of 1916 gave the government the right to regulate interstate commerce in order to regulate child labor. The law was signed by Wilson but the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional. Another law was passed 3 years later to take an indirect route to child labor. But it did not pass either. Even though the nation wanted laws and change against child labor the Supreme Court made it very difficult. Finally the Child Labor Amendment was installed during the 1920s and eventually the Court reversed the case that made the Keating-Owen Act illegal.

LAD #28: Wilson's Inaugural Address

There has been a change in the White House and now it is in the hands of the Democrats. It means more than the success of the Democratic Party but also because the Nation was looking for change. He goes on to say that there is no doubt that the country is in a good place and that life is good. But with all good comes evil and there has been waste in the country. It is his job to lead in the change that will continue with the good and get rid of the evil. He reminds the audience that he has not forgotten morals, and he was to set up a policy that would help move the country along. We have not studied cost or economy as we should as organizers or individuals. The government is not yet perfect but he will work hard to make it as close to perfect as possible. We are to restore, not destroy and it is not a science, and the feelings the Nation is dealing with will be used for the better. It is not a day to triumph and day of dedication.

LAD # 27: Clayton Anti-Trust Act

It is now illegal for any person or company to trade if that trade has price differentiations between different purchasers of the same commodities which each individual needs. This would prevent certain businesses from gaining monopolies over that industry. Within in this one can not have a difference in selling, transportation which would help boost the competition within the industry. It is also unlawful to engage in commerce if there by the use of selling any merchandise at a rate which blows up other competitors to lessen competition. Finally companies my not combine if it is going to create a monopoly. This applies to stocks and other capital.