Monday, December 10, 2012

LAD #21: Carnegie, The Gospel of Wealth

It begins with saying that in the past few years the nation as a whole has changed because of industrialization when before that for years everything including clothing, food, environment and work place had remained the same for hundreds of years. Though some say this is for the worst the change should be welcomed by all because it is necessary for human development as well as the development of the country. This new way of thinking and living though has enviably put wealth into the hands of a few. There are only so many ways the wealth can be distributed. One is that it can be left to the families after the possessor dies. Another is that is used for public purposes and the final is that it is just used by the possessor himself. The first option is unattainable for women should not have to take on that responsibility. The second is only successful if he is dead and has things he would want it to go towards. The third option is the best because the possesser can put his money into other places and help the economy as he sees fit. Finally, it is the ultimate duty of the man with wealth. To set an example of a modest living and help his brethren do better for themselves.